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Recipe | Toasted Fennel Tea

To take the time to nourish yourself is a radical act of self love.

Do it slowly.

Engage all of your senses.

Introducing a mortar and pestle into my kitchen has been one of the most direct ways of recreating a sense of deep intimacy with nourishment. To know your whole spices, to toast them and hand-grind them. To use your physical body in the process. It is absolutely a luxury to be able to do so, and a privilege. So this does not come from my kitchen to yours as an expectation but as an invitation. Maybe today is the day you slow down and recognize that to make even a cup of tea is a radical statement of self love. 

Toasted Fennel Tea

1 Tb Fennel Seeds

1.5 C Water, Brought to a boil

Additional options for taste: Honey, fresh mint leaves, a knob of fresh ginger. 

Toast your fennel seeds lighting on the stovetop. Keep the seeds moving over the heat as to not burn them. When toasted and fragrant, add your seeds to your mortar & pestle. Crush gently, just enough to break down the seeds a bit. 

Add your toasted and crushed fennel to a French press or directly into your pot of water. Let steep for 8-10 minutes. If adding any fresh additions, like mint, ginger or honey, stir in for the final minutes of steeping. Strain as you pour and enjoy.

Notary Ceramics Mortar & Pestle

Glass jar with cork top - perfect for herbs and spices

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