Notary Shop on The Shopkeepers

A huge thank you this morning to the incredibly inspiring blog and Instagram wizards of The Shopkeepers. 

I have been so influenced and romanced by their imagery from exquisite shops around the world and I feel incredibly honored that Notary was included in their top 10 favorite Portland shops. 

Take a minute to read the article  where they interviewed us a few weeks after opening our shop. 

We have come a long way in the past two years and are grateful to all of our customers who have supported our journey. 


If you are in Portland or planning a trip to the Rose City in the future you should definitely check out The Shopkeepers PDX City Guide

Complete with beautiful shops and restaurants, I have discovered many new places that as a native Portlander I was surprisingly unaware of. 

Here is to the next two years! May they be filled with ceramics, wonderful people and new friendships. 

with love, 



From the Shopkeepers - On the Future of Retail

“I am hoping that the small shop, and maker movement continues to grow and pick up support and speed. I love seeing people searching out quality, handmade goods that will last the test of time. Much like my grandmothers generation, who knew the importance of taking care of beautiful things and handing them down to the next generation. I see that my peers are wanting less and taking more care with what they bring into their homes and into their lives.”

Read Article Here

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