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Meet The Team - Ella

Introducing the Notary Team
If you've visited Notary within the last couple of years, chances are you've been greeted by who we all agree is our sweetest co-worker, Ella Simone Hilario. Though she began working at the storefront at just 16, Ella arrived with a deep appreciation of the aesthetic and a naturally expert eye in design and merchandising. She has just recently graduated high school and will soon be diving into university, but not before joining us on our buying trip to Puglia, Italy
Here's more on her dreamy Notary Journey


I have been working at Notary since I was sixteen. My family and I had been customers in the shop for a few years and one afternoon Sarah asked if I could babysit her two daughters. The next week I did and instantly fell in love with Sarah and her family. A few weeks later Sarah asked if I would like to work a day in the shop. I am 18 now and have worked at Notary since. I graduated high school this year and plan to stay in Portland the next few years to pursue a bachelor’s degree in business. After my plan is to get a masters in interior architecture abroad.


A Typical Morning - 

My morning routine is quite simple and varies. First thing after I wake up I brush my teeth and take a quick shower. Then I like to make a drink of some kind. Usually it’s a chicory root tea with some honey and cream but I also love a matcha, chai or hot water with lemon. On the nights I remember, I like to have at least three songs queued to play in the morning. I find music really grounding and the perfect start to the day.


What She's Listening to - 

Music has been a big part of my life. My dad has eclectic taste in music and instilled a love of music in me. He has thousands of records which I call his library as he will let me borrow a stack at a time. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Karen Dalton, Sibylle Baier, and Bob Dylan.


In The Kitchen -

I have always loved to be in the kitchen cooking. Both of my parents love to cook and so I have mostly learned from them. Last year I bought the Pasta book from the shop and have been obsessed with making pasta from scratch since. We have eight chickens so there is an abundance of eggs which works out perfectly for this. My family lives on some land in rural Oregon which has a large garden we try to cook from in the late Spring and Summers. We have so much lettuce right now so have been making salads every night for dinner. I also love to bake and dessert usually comes first in my head when menu planning. I learned to bake the loveliest Russian honey cake from Robin at Vivienne’s and that has been my favorite thing to make since. I really cannot recommend taking one of her classes enough. Also a panna cotta with seasonal fruits never disappoints.


In The Shop -

To me a Notary piece is much more than its intended use. It’s a piece of art, the memory attached to finding it, the visit to the shop, and bits of its makers Sarah and Tina. I cherish every piece as I know how much care, handwork and thoughtfulness went into its creation. My favorite Notary piece is probably my little sand mug as I use it almost everyday and it was one of the first things I got from the shop. Right now I am obsessed with lamp number 161. The glaze and shape are simply perfect.

Notary Lighting #161


Come see Ella at the storefront over the weekends this summer! She's just a delight and will help you find the perfect Notary piece for you.


film by @absence_studio

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