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Notary at Home: Pasta Night

I have the house to myself while my husband is out of town for work this week, which is always a treat every once in a while. What it means for me is enjoying gentler quieter mornings, slow evenings and easy suppers that let me indulge in my greatest comfort food: pasta. 
Having my neighborhood farmer's market back on its springtime weekly schedule has been so supportive of easy produce forward meals, just like this one! I am no chef or recipe developer, so I apologize in advance for not offering proper measurements here. I hope instead you're inspired to simplify the daunting task of nourishing yourself with a beautiful pasta night of your own. 
My Ingredient List
- Dried Egg Tagliatelle 
- Garlic, 1-2 cloves
- 1 Yellow Squash
- Small Handful of Hazelnuts, toasted + crushed
 - Fresh Mint
- A few Pinches of Red Pepper Flakes
- Coarse Salt, Black Pepper to taste
- Pecorino, or cheese of choice
Heat olive oil in your pan and mince your garlic cloves. Salt your pasta water and heat on high to boil. Meanwhile, prepare your squash with a good wash. 
Using your knife or a mandoline, cut your squash lengthwise into thin ribbons. While your garlic is sautéing, add a pinch of red pepper flakes to the pan. Cook your pasta of choice according to the package.
Topping this dish with a fresh herb, like mint, basil or parsley, makes it feel even lighter and summery to me. I used mint this time and highly recommend it. 
Once your garlic has softened, (not browned), add your yellow squash to the pan. I covered mine to help it steam and cook down. I prefer my vegetables to be al dente, meaning they maintain a bit of their texture, but cook to your preferred done-ness! Toss your cooked pasta in the pan with a bit of pasta water and a drizzle of olive oil or a hunk of quality butter. 
Add a pinch of course sea salt to your plate, a crack of black pepper, and another drizzle of olive oil or more red pepper flakes to taste. We'll finish this dish with crushed toasted Hazelnuts, your fresh herb and a healthy amount of grated cheese.
This quick pasta can be recreated with almost any seasonal produce, so have fun making yourself a bowl and getting creative with it! 

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